Thursday, December 1, 2016

Joe Misnik recounts WWII UFO encounter

Joe Misnik was interviewed in 2009 for this story about a WWII UFO encounter.

This is Webisode 15 from the docudrama, "Tragic Hinsdale House," directed and produced by Roger Marsh. Shot on-location at Joe's rural home in Hinsdale, NY - seven acres and a pond surrounded by lush forests, mountains and narrow roads - framing a warm home quite in need of attention harboring local history as a stage coach stop.

The strange and bizarre story framing the Hinsdale House was the basis for the docudrama - a tale told in two books by former owner Clara Miller and a network television version. UFOs were mentioned being seen nearby by various family members over the years. Joe did not know the home's paranormal history before moving in. He also had UFO sightings there. When he mentioned his first UFO sighting was during his WWII military experience we decided to turn the story into its own webisode.

UFOs during WWII were referred to as Foo Fighters.

Joe has since passed on. 

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